32 Weeks Pregnant (Day 218 to Day 224)

What happens to you?

Your delivery day is fast approaching! Start packing your hospital bag. Buy breast pads and a good bra.

Your weight will be increasing week by week. You may feel discomfort as your uterus presses up against your diaphragm.

Advice: Eating smaller and lighter meals can relieve your stomach discomfort.

What happens to your baby?

Typically, your baby is in the head down position at this stage. Do not panic if it is not; there is still plenty of time to do so...

If your baby is a boy, his testicles should have moved down from the abdomen where they are formed to the scrotum. The sense of taste develops as well. Hair and fingernails grow longer.

When your baby is awake, it moves like a newborn. It sucks its thumb, touches its legs...

When babies are born from 1,500 to 2,000 grams, they may face some prematurity complications but still have an excellent chance of survival.